kuala lumpur weather today
The minimum value of the daily temperature is expected at around 81F the maximum is expected at around 90F. The highest temperature over the day 28 to 34 C the lowest temperature at night 23 to 25 C Temperature. Pin On Time Lapse 2 Temperatures as high as 86 F are foreseen. . Kuala Lumpur - Hourly weather today 7262022 Lat. Weather report for Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 314N 10169E 56m asl. Light rain 34 C the day after tomorrow 0718. Detailed hourly weather forecast today 0716. Live weather stations near Kuala Lumpur. Be prepared for the day. Cloudy 28 C tomorrow 0717. Track storms and stay in-the-know and prepared for whats coming. Warning for severe weather conditions. Easy to use weather radar at your fingertips. Kuala Lumpur Weather Today 13 days. At night the minimum temperature will be 79F and the maximum 81F Weather in Kuala Lumpur on the Map Large map Now